Friday, September 18, 2015

It's Become More

I'm becoming something that I am not sure of. It makes me feel like a freak. The feelings are twisted. So very twisted. I am twisting out of a familiar shape into one that I ain't too comfortable with.


But I'm slowly turning into the monster that I was always afraid of. I need the strength now. I need the cruelty.

I need to be this for Alice.

And for her.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Am I A Monster

Does not being human make me a monster? I do not bleed red or require sleep like humans do. I require different food.

Does that make me a monster?

Does the fact that I feel safer covered in someone else's blood and viscera make me a monster? There are humans who feel the same. There are others who act as I do.

Does it make me a monster that I feel whole when I devour someone's flesh? That I'm myself when I drink of you? That your last moments on this earth give me life? does?


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Not Exactly the Donner Party

.....I have figured out that I can become whole. It's just not what I wanted to do to become whole.

....I'm so sorry....

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Who Can Put Me Together Again

My right foot rotted off last week. I saw it melt into a puddle of green ooze. Like this gross smell came from it too. This horrible pungent stank. It was horrible and I don't think I can run like this. fucking duh I can't.

Alice doesn't know what to do. She managed to sew up the stump but that's about it. I'm falling apart. Slowly. But still falling apart. And at this rate,I won't be myself anymore. Who's going to protect Alice when I'm nothing but a puddle of green gunk on the floor?

Who's going to help her stay alive? us...