Monday, May 6, 2013

Poems That Make No Sense

Of course she'd want me to post stupid poems that make no sense and sound stupid. Like she couldn't do anything better than those type of posts. Not like any of the Maiden's friends are going to see these poems and ask 'the Blue Lady' questions.

Blue Lady=Lady of the Lantern

Uggh...well I gotta say they're clever for making up such an elaborate hoax to keep their Maiden distracted. All these months she thought she was a Slender-man victim. All this fucking time we thought that the Slender-man was out to get her. But was those bitches playing a horrible little game.

Makes sense doesn't it? Not everyone saw the Slender-man and I never really remember most of my time with the fucker. So I honestly never was near him.

Oh they don't care if Maiden finds out about this...not like she can actually back out of all this now. Never really could if she knew about this from the beginning.

I'm really sorry to you all. That I didn't do more to protect her or anyone else that I've cared about. And I'm really sorry,Chrissie.

I love you and I hope that woman never regains the mind fuck control the Lady of The Lantern had on you.

1 comment:

  1. he's never been after me? Then who the fuck have I been seeing?
